How Can the AfCfta Investment Protocol Advance the Realisation of The AfCfta Objectives?

How Can the AfCfta Investment Protocol Advance the Realisation of The AfCfta Objectives?
How Can the AfCfta Investment Protocol Advance the Realisation of The AfCfta Objectives?

The AfCFTA Agreement will include a protocol on investment – to be negotiated in phase II. Meanwhile, the technical issues on investment are under consideration, and the draft legal text is expected to be ready for adoption by the January 2021. Thereafter, the AfCFTA Investment Protocol will form an integral part of the AfCFTA Agreement and enter into force 30 days after the deposit of the 22nd instrument of ratification (Art. 23(3)). How can the Investment Protocol advance the broader objectives of the AfCFTA?

The Protocol should establish an investment governance framework to facilitate intra-Africa investment, that would promote sustainable socio-economic and industrial development as well as enhance the competitiveness of the African countries. Indeed, Africa countries need FDI to promote economic growth and development, create jobs and alleviate poverty.

Increased FDI flows do not automatically create economic growth and development and employment or eliminate poverty in the host economy. It is not the quantity but quality of FDI that matters. The AfCFTA Investment Protocol should facilitate quality FDI that would support the developmental needs of the African countries and continent at large.

The Protocol should give States policy space (or regulatory freedom) to determine the right kind of FDI, in accordance with their development goals.

The Protocol could also include legal obligations demanding responsible business conduct.

Although the AfCFTA Investment Protocol will cover intra-Africa FDI/investment, some of the provisions (e.g. MFN) may well be beneficial for investment from outside the continent.


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