Nigeria: We Will Lift 100 Million Nigerians out Of Poverty

Nigeria: We Will Lift 100 Million Nigerians out Of Poverty
Nigeria: We Will Lift 100 Million Nigerians out Of Poverty

President Muhammadu Buhari Wednesday set a 10-year target for Nigeria to lift at least 100 million of its people out of poverty.

The president, in his inaugural address for a second term in office delivered in Abuja, said his administration would thenceforth begin to lay the foundations for accomplishing the poverty redemption goal by offering a leadership with a sense of purpose.

A report by Brookings Institution, an American research group based in Washington DC, and released in June 2018, had named Nigeria as the nation with the highest number of extremely poor people in the world.

By its projections, Nigeria has 87 million out of its 200 million population living in abject poverty as against the former poverty headquarters of the world, India, which with its 1.324 billion people has 73 million living in extreme poverty.

According to the report, the number of Nigerians in extreme poverty increases by six people every minute.


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