Al-Shabaab Attack on Us Drone Military Base Thwarted

Al-Shabaab Attack on Us Drone Military Base Thwarted
Al-Shabaab Attack on Us Drone Military Base Thwarted

Al-Qaeda-affiliated al-Shabaab militants on Monday stormed the Ballidogle American special forces military base roughly 100 kilometers northwest of Mogadishu using vehicle bombs followed by sporadic gunfire from fighters, according to Somalia’s state media.

The attack was fast thwarted by the U.S. forces and the Somali National Army (SNA) troops stationed at the base, it said.

The exchange resulted in multiple al-Shabaab fighters losing their life,” it added.

The militants used two vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices stashed in trucks, a senior military official from Lower Shabelle region told Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity.

Following the attack, al-Shabaab released a statement claiming responsibility of the attack by its elite martyrdom forces.


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