Africa: Tuberculosis Carried out On Elephants

Africa: Tuberculosis Carried out On Elephants

In South Africa tuberculosis is still the most killer disease with 330 daily victims. It is now attacking wild animals that contract the bacteria from human tuberculosis. An elephant was found dead in 2016 in...
Nigeria $9 Billion for A Project

Nigeria $9 Billion for A Project

A London court on Friday (August 16th) ruled that a request to seize a company against Nigeria was legitimate after a gas project was abandoned. The case began in 2010, when Process and Industrial Developments...
Mauritania Awaits Rain Return

Mauritania Awaits Rain Return

Since the start of the rainy season on July 13, no precipitation has been recorded in 7 of the country's 13 regions. A situation born of climate change according to the Mauritanian meteorological services. Wintering...
Kenyan MP with Baby Ordered to Leave Parliament

Kenyan MP with Baby Ordered to Leave Parliament

Female MPs have walked out of Kenya's parliament in solidarity with a colleague who was ordered to leave because she had taken her baby. Zuleika Hassan said she had brought her five-month-old baby with her...




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