Ghanaian Football Corrupted After 26-Month Process Chose New President

Ghanaian Football Corrupted After 26-Month Process Chose New President
Ghanaian Football Corrupted After 26-Month Process Chose New President

The Ghanaian Football Federation elected Kurt Okraku, the well-known football manager of the West African country, on Friday (October 25th) as the new president.

The country’s local football stopped following a research documentary on widespread corruption and mismanagement of the game.

Kurt Okraku replaced Kwesi Nyantakyi, who was forced to resign due to corruption.


Center for Africa Studies (AFRAM) which located in Ankara, is an organization facilitating under the administration of African Affairs Council (AFAC). It makes various researches about Africa to enhance economic and cultural bounds between Africa and Turkey. AFRAM’s publishings has been shared with different institutions as they require to obtain.


Africa Observatory is one the publishing of AFRAM and it has been published each two weeks. It has been delivered to different institutions via e-mail.

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