Hard-Hatted Zimbabwean Women Take up ‘Tough’ Jobs

Hard-Hatted Zimbabwean Women Take up 'Tough' Jobs
Hard-Hatted Zimbabwean Women Take up 'Tough' Jobs

She pushes a concrete-laden wheelbarrow with the agility of a teenager. Yet at 37 years of age, Mirirai Shambare, a holder of a teaching qualification, has never worked in a classroom since she graduated from college about nine years ago.

She toils at a construction site near her rural hometown Mutoko, 143 kilometers (89 miles) east of the Zimbabwean capital Harare, joining thousands of women nationwide who have taken to hard-hat jobs at a time when the country’s economy teeters on the brink of collapse. Unemployment in the Southern Africa nation currently stands at 90%.

“I’m a laborer now, an assistant at a construction site near my home here because surely I can’t find my job which is that of a teacher,” Shambare told Anadolu Agency. Hilton Savanje, an economist based in Harare, blamed economic hardships for this shifting trend Official data shows women are also providing 70% of the labor for agriculture and constitute 61% of the farmers.

For many Zimbabwean women like Shambare, it may be long before befitting jobs come their way. But many others like Chidzudzu have accepted their fate and moved on.


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