Zimbabwe to Reopen Water Plant ‘for a Few Days’

Zimbabwe to Reopen Water Plant 'for a Few Days'
Zimbabwe to Reopen Water Plant 'for a Few Days'

The main water treatment plant in Zimbabwe’s capital – which shut down on Monday – is temporarily reopening.

It is a move which will bring a degree of relief to the city’s residents at a time when there are also fears of water-borne diseases.

Drought has had an impact but the country’s water woes are also linked to the deepening economic crisis in Zimbabwe.

The water crisis is a massive inconvenience for the two million people living in Harare – many residents have been forced to queue up at night to get water.

The opposition-run Harare City Council blames President Emmerson Mnanagagwa’s government for the economic problems that has meant it cannot afford chemicals for the water treatment plant.

Zimbabweans are becoming more and more frustrated by the economic crisis and that is a major threat to President Mnangagwa’s government.


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